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Every month we organize a variety of free (unless stated otherwise) activities

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English spoken mass

Every first Sunday of the month CCG organizes an english spoken mass for the international students. Everyone is welcome. The mass is held in the Heilig Hart Church located at Patersplein, Rooierheide Diepenbeek, and starts at 10am.


Would you like to sing in the choir? Contact Gilles through:


Every month we go looking for some depth. we get inspired by a bible story, testimonials, a (short)movie, current events and more.

Image by Josh Boot

Student Mass

Every month we come together to celebrate a eucharist, inside our clubroom J5 with priest Bart Coenegrachts.

Board game evenings

This is an evening where you can get to meet other students. bring a boardgame with you and get to know boardgames from all around the world. Everyone is welcome.


This activity takes place in room A4 at the UHasselt campus Diepenbeek building D

Image by Mireille Raad
Projector rays_edited.jpg


Together we watch a good (christian inspired) movie with afterwards a chance to share our thoughts with eachother.


Getting to know eachother as a friendgroup by doing activities together and sharing our faith: going for a walk, doing a picknick, going to (christian) events, interesting exhibitions.

Image by Brett Jordan

Acts of charity

Sharing a part of our time and friendship with society (visits to a nursing home in Diepenbeek, solidarity actions)


Christelijke Campusgemeenschap




This website was made and designed by Violet Blokken
GSM: +32499212617

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