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Hey hey! Welcome to our website. We are the CCG, Christian Campus Community, a student association for and by students supported by the campus pastor, Karin. Most students are Christians or searching Christians, but that does not mean that you – who do not believe or have questions – are not welcome. We welcome everyone – believing or not – and want to connect the students. We want to be a place where everyone feels good and valued and where you can always go for any problem or conversation. We love you and find every person equally important. Everyone has their talents that may be shown!

Jesus on the cross. He brings light in the darkness.
Jesus loves you! He brings light in the darkness.

Jesus is central to us because He is our Savior and Lord, the driving force of this association. Without Him, we would not be who we are.

God loves you!


I do not wish the sinner to die, says the Lord, but to turn to me and live. Ezekiel 33:11 NIV

We organise many activities. On the one hand, we want to be a place where students can meet each other and have a good time together. On the other hand, for worshipping and honouring Jesus. We welcome both domestic and international students. Everyone is welcome. Feel free to come by to meet other students and get to know us. We do work with registrations so that we can prepare ourselves well. Thus, please don't forget this if you want to join us 😊. You can find more information about our activities under the tab 'activities '.

Do you want to have a conversation? Don't hesitate to contact the campus pastor or one of the other members. You are certainly not a burden to us! Moreover, the campus pastor can be found almost every weekday in room J5 at Hasselt University, campus Diepenbeek building D. So you can also drop by whenever you want.

On our blog page, we will not only post about Christian topics such as testimonies, Bible study, meaning in life, forgiveness, Bible guides such as how do you start reading the Bible or blogs in which we respond to current events, but also general topics such as student life, dormitory life, about one of our upcoming activities, an event in the neighbourhood or a subject about which you would like advice.

We look forward to meeting you!

CCG Praesidium


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